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#1 2011-03-06 08:30:30



Zarejestrowany: 2011-03-06
Posty: 8
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List od Yuki

No tak .. ten mail od Yuki dostałam juz jakiś czas temu .. ale sądzę, ze im więcej pytań tym lepiej

From Yuki, Japanese teacher

Dear all,
I d like you to cooperate.
Please take a look next 2 links and
Please answer below (in English) and give back to Agnieszka until 21.02(Mon).                                Thank you.

Once ( around 5 years ago) Marek Kaminski traveled in Japan.
So I think he knows Japan a little.
Forcused on him and Japan, what would you want to ask to him? Please write more than 5 questions ( in detail)..

From Agnieszka:
  1. What was your first impression when you arrived in Japan ?
  2. What was/is the hardest for you to learn in Japanese ?
  3. Where were you in Japan ?
  4. What do you like/dislike in Japan ?

From Ania:
  5. How would you compare the atmosphere in Japan and other countries you’ve visited?
  6. If you had the chance to visit Japan again, what place would you like to visit the most?
  7. Was there something you had imagined or expected to be different and you were disappointed or surprised when you saw it in Japan?
  8. Which side of Japan appeals to you best? The old historical Japan or the modern one?

From Kuba:
  9. Comparing to all your's travel, what was your`s most intresting experience?
  10. In what way culture in Japan is diftent than in Poland?
  11. Why did you to travel to Japan?
  12. From all place where wwere you been, you want to travel again and why?

From Gosia:
   1. Do you have any piece of advice for those who want to go to Japan?
   2. Would you like you return there? Why?
   3. Why you decided to go to Japan? What was the reason?
   4. Did you met some person who impressed you? Which meeting in Japan you remember the best?
   5. Is there any kind of food from Japan you like the most/would like to eat more often?

From Magda:
  1.  What was engraved in your memory the most? Maybe some anecdotes?
  2. You know 8 foreign languages. What made you want to learn so many languages?
  3. Do you have any advices for people who wanted to learn foreign languages?
  4. Is there any situation in what the knowledge of Japanese was especially useful for you?
  5. What is Japanese attitude towards Polish?

  *Recently, on I read note, that he’s going to travel to Fuji, so:
  6. I read that you are planning an expedition to the Fuji. Why there - to this crowded, well-known tourist attraction?

Jak macie jakieś jeszcze pomysły ... to proszę . .uzupełniajcie listę



#2 2011-03-09 09:10:36



Zarejestrowany: 2011-03-09
Posty: 25
Punktów :   

Re: List od Yuki

a moze jeszcze... jego najśmieszniejsza i najstraszniejsza (gdzie bal sie o swoje zycie) historia z podróży?



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